
If you are not a member or your membership has expired, now is your chance to become a member of the Yukon River Drainage Fisheries Association.

What does YRDFA do?
First, we unite all the users on the River to make sure the Yukon gets the attention it deserves. Second, we bring together the users to come up with our own solutions to the challenges confronting our fishery. Third, we conduct our own salmon restoration and research projects to help rebuild important habitat and fish stocks. In the winter, we organize regional fishermen’s meetings and organize a four-day annual meeting in a different village each year. In the summer, we organize and host in-season salmon management teleconferences. These teleconferences are open to all fishermen and are paid for by YRDFA. Finally, we publish the YRDFA newsletter to keep every one of you up-to-date on the key issues affecting you.

What can the YRDFA Board of Directors do for you?
The YRDFA Board of Directors assists state and federal agencies in making fishery management decisions along the Yukon River. Therefore, your membership also helps support our core purpose, which is to sustain fisheries through cooperative management.

In order to sustain fisheries YRDFA works to:

  • Provide a forum for river-wide communication regarding fishery issues
  • Solve problems, through stakeholder collaboration, in fisheries management
  • Strengthen long-term economic viability of Yukon River fishing communities
  • Conserve YR wild salmon throughout their lifecycle
  • Sustain subsistence fishery and traditional cultures
  • Build capacity for YRDFA, its membership and Yukon River fishing families

Your membership into YRDFA helps us further our core purpose, which is to sustain fisheries through cooperative management. If you’re not already, learn how to become a YRDFA member.

Thank you for your support!

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