Donate to YRDFA

How Your Support Makes A Difference
The Yukon River is home to the longest salmon migration in the world. These salmon provide key dietary and cultural support for over forty-two rural Alaskan villages. Unfortunately, the Yukon River is in crisis. The decline in the salmon population is at its lowest level in history.
You can help us get closer to advocating for preserving our traditions for our children and saving one of the last wild salmon runs on the planet.
Donate to YRDFA!
You don’t have to live on the Yukon River to make a difference! The work we do takes all of us!
Be apart of our success by supporting our efforts!
The Yukon River is in crisis and we need to do something about it. The decline in the salmon populations are at their lowest in history. The problem is getting so severe that the people from the rural Yukon River communities are currently facing a serious threat to their long-term food security and loss of their traditional cultural practices.
We are raising awareness of the crisis that the Yukon River communities face and we need your help!
Thank you very much for your donations!