November 17, 2020 1:00 p.m. AKST Call-in number: 1-800-315-6338 Code: 98566#
Please join YRDFA’s Off-season call to learn about the juvenile Chinook research in the Bering Sea with Jim Murphy and Sabrina Garcia.

Jim Murphy is a Fisheries Research Biologist at the Alaska Fisheries Science Center in Juneau, AK with over 20 years of experience conducting research on the marine ecology of salmon in Alaska. He currently leads research surveys in the Northern Bering Sea and Southeast Alaska, and leads research on otolith microstructure and chemistry. He has served as a member of the Yukon River Panel’s Joint Technical Committee for over 10 years, and has provided expertise on juvenile abundance and bycatch of Canadian-origin Chinook salmon.

Sabrina Garcia is a research biologist with the State of Alaska’s Department of Fish and Game based in Anchorage. Her work focuses primarily on the early marine ecology (abundance, distribution, and diet) of western Alaska juvenile Chinook salmon in the Bering Sea in collaboration with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. She also leads surveys in the southern Bering Sea to determine the migration timing of Kuskokwim and Bristol Bay stocks of juvenile Chinook salmon. Some of her new projects include forecasting adult runs of Yukon River fall chum salmon, estimating the stock composition of immature Chinook salmon in the eastern Bering Sea, and identifying the migratory movements of salmon sharks in the Bering Sea ecosystem.