REMINDER of the first 2024 Yukon River In-Season Teleconference TOMORROW!

The YRDFA In-Season Teleconference season is beginning!
Our first call will be on June 4 at 1:00 PM Alaska/2:00 PM Yukon Time.
We encourage all fishery users to call in to voice their concerns of the Yukon River drainage fisheries. The in-season salmon management teleconferences offer stakeholders the opportunity to get first-hand information during the fishing season, have their management questions addressed, and to share traditional ecological knowledge. The teleconferences promote interaction among rural residents, agencies, and other organizations by creating a forum for all of these entities to call in together to a weekly, organized and structured call.
To join in on the In-Season Salmon Management Teleconference:
Call 1-800-315-6338 code 98566# (YUKON) at 1:00 p.m. AKST
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