- This event has passed.
CORRECTION: Eagle Fish & Game Advisory Committee Meeting February 15th
February 15, 2022 @ 4:00 pm AKST
The meeting link in the original announcement has been modified. Please see the attached flyer and agenda, which have been updated to include the correct meeting link and dial-in joining instructions. The online public notice has been updated as well.
Thank you.
Join the meeting online:
(full link for SOA employees: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81358711894?pwd=Q3M1WHVRZGg0L205bnhHR2RtSFV0QT09 )
Dial in: (888) 475 4499
Meeting ID: 813 5871 1894
Passcode: 99738
Kyle Campbell
Coordinator, Interior Region
(907) 459-7263 – phone
(907) 251-0204 – text
Alaska Department of Fish and Game
Boards Support Section
From: Campbell, Kyle K (DFG)
Sent: Wednesday, February 9, 2022 2:55 PM
Subject: Eagle Fish & Game Advisory Committee Meeting February 15th
The Eagle Fish and Game Advisory Committee will meet on Tuesday, February 15th, 2022 at 4:00 pm by web/teleconference. The Eagle Village Tribal Hall will also be available for those who wish to attend in person. This meeting is open to the public.
Due to the COVID-19 health emergency, joining by phone/web is encouraged.
If you plan to attend this meeting in person, please follow the guidance from the State of Alaska’s Health Advisory 1: Recommendations for Keeping Alaskans Safe:
• Wear a cloth face covering/mask when in public settings.
• Practice social distancing.
• Monitor your health and stay at home when sick.
• Practice good hygiene and frequently wash your hands.
Agenda Items will include the following:
Ichthyophonus sampling project discussion
Recommendations on Statewide Board of Game Proposals (comments due February 18th, 2022)
Discuss Board of Fisheries 2022-2023 Call for Proposals
Other fisheries and wildlife business as needed
A copy of the full agenda, minutes from the previous meeting, and other materials will be posted to this Online Public Notice ( http://notice.alaska.gov/205371 ) prior to the start of the meeting. Minutes and audio recordings will be posted to archived meeting notices, which can be found on the Eagle Advisory Committee’s website: https://bit.ly/eagleadvisorycommittee .
To join the meeting from a computer or your mobile phone, use the meeting link below or dial in by calling (888) 475 4499 and enter the meeting ID and passcode. Alternatively, by providing your phone number to the regional coordinator you may request to be connected to the meeting directly.
Join the meeting online:
(full link for SOA employees: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81358711894?pwd=Q3M1WHVRZGg0L205bnhHR2RtSFV0QT09 )
Dial in: (888) 475 4499
Meeting ID: 813 5871 1894
Passcode: 99738
For further information on this meeting or to be added to the electronic email notices for this committee, please contact the Interior Region Coordinator who’s contact information can be found at the bottom of this notice.
Advisory committees are local groups that meet to discuss fishing and wildlife issues and to provide recommendations to Alaska Board of Fisheries and Alaska Board of Game. All meetings are open to the public. Advisory Committees are intended to provide a local forum on fish and wildlife issues. Their purpose includes: 1) developing regulatory proposals, 2) evaluating regulatory proposals and making recommendations to the appropriate board, 3) providing a local forum for fish and wildlife conservation and use, including matters relating to habitat, 4) advising the appropriate regional council on resources, and 5) consulting with individuals, organizations, and agencies.
If you are a person experiencing a disability who needs a special accommodation to participate in these public meetings, please contact the regional coordinator no later than 48 hours prior to the meeting to make any necessary arrangements.
Kyle Campbell
Coordinator, Interior Region
Boards Support Section
Department of Fish and Game
1300 College Road
Fairbanks AK 99701
(907) 459-7263 – phone
(907) 251-0204 – text
(888) 920-3307 – fax